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About us

Wines&Co is a distribution company that represents small and medium portuguese wine producers, from different Portuguese regions, whose expression in the market does not pass through large commercial areas.

Company founded in 2013 in the Algarve, that since then, has positioned itself as one of the references in the sector. Being in the export channel, where it initially started, in 2014 acquired Portucastas AB, in Sundsvall, a company that would import and represent its portfolio throughout the Swedish market.

In 2023, it has 3 open stores, Almancil, Pine Cliffs Luxury Resort in Albufeira and Lagos, where it promotes its products dynamically, valuing a customized experience for each costumer through standards ruled by professionalism, responsibility and right attitude towards its costumers and partners.

Also offers wine tasting models, which allows you to discover the Portuguese wines that better suit your profile, giving the opportunity to safely send to any destination in Europe and/or UK.


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